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Creating and protecting mental and emotional health in the disconnected age of globalism.
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Developing a sustainable, healthy research practice in an age of simultaneous information overload and censorship.

Bowed as if Laden with Snow


Latest Publications
Publications by Genre
Upcoming PublicationsCog (a short story forthcoming in OxMag) Steal My Thunder (a short story forthcoming in BarBar) Flight (a short story forthcoming in Figwort Journal) You Have To Think Like the Fire (a short story forthcoming on Rubbertop Review in May) Tyrolean Traverse (a poem forthcoming in Dream Pop) Sleep Study (an essay forthcoming with Glint)
FictionHow You Learn Not to Break in Hedge Apple (June 6, 2024) Leading the Witness and Commentary on Twelve Winters (Feb. 2024) Who Else Can See? In 34Orchard (November 2023) My appearance on Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online, this time to talk about fiction and share short stories (Oct. 12, 2023) The Secret Hearse starting on page 132 in Issue 30 of Ginosko Literary (Sept. 30, 2023) My interview with Alyssa Noelle Coehlo about her book The Alchemy of the Beast on New Books Network (Sept. 15, 2023) Riot in the Highlands, an excerpt from WE ARE THE LUCKY ONES, in The Momentist (August 2023) My interview with Steve Fox about his book Sometimes Creek on New Books Network (July 18, 2023) What Other Choices Did We Have? on Deep Overstock podcast (Dec. 16, 2022) How To Find Love in Issue 10 of Funicular Magazine (November 2022) How To Find Love, an excerpt from one of my novel manuscripts, on Discretionary Love (Oct. 9, 2022) Modern Entertainment on Literally Stories (April 28, 2022) Curated in Punt Volat (Feb. 2022) Server Not Found on Please See Me (November 19, 2021) The State of Colorado v. 1 Gold Crucifix with Pigeon Review (November 15, 2021) Server Not Found on Quail Bell (August 6, 2021) Warning Practice on Terror House Press (July 16, 2021) Alligator Proof on Bluepepper (July 13, 2021) Contact in Issue 17 of Whispering Prairie Press (summer of 2021) This Could Be Your Street in Volume 7 of Otherwise Engaged: A Literature and Arts Journal (Summer 2021) Building Blocks in The Canadian Journal of Theology, Mental Health and Disability Contact with District Lit (March 28, 2021) A Story of Circle and Breath, an excerpt from my novel manuscript in Issue 2 of Ab Terra Flash Fiction (March 17, 2021); included in AB Terra's 2022 anthology (Sept. 2022) We Are Going Steadily Through Light That Will Be Gold with Always Crashing (March 16, 2021) Second Hand on page 80 of Book of Matches’ inaugural issue (January 1, 2021) There Is No Panting Dog in Issue 16 of Whispering Prairie Press (Winter 2020) Groceries, on page 106 of Deracine’s Volume VII’s issue (Winter 2020) The Person Next To You Should Hear You Breathing in House of Zolo’s Journal of Speculative Fiction, Volume 2, Oct. 21, 2020) Building Blocks in CommuterLit (Sept. 28, 2020) Dinner at the Candlestick Table Issue 1 of 34 Orchard (April 2020) – **this was nominated for a Pushcart Prize Good Little Light, Roadrunner Review, which nominated it for 2020 Best Small Fictions with Sonder Press This is Your Voice, Okay? with Moria Press (December 2, 2019) The Company on Scarlet Leaf Review (November 13, 2019) Ghost List with Sunlight Press (October 28, 2019). Sunlight Press nominated this piece for Sonder Press's 2020 Best Small Fictions Anthology. How It's Done, which was one of three that won Third Wednesday's George Dila Memorial Flash Fiction, (Fall 2019 Issue of 3rd Wednesday) Celebration Room on Commuter Lit (June 13, 2019) It Isn't Easy When You See Everyone Die, an excerpt from my novel manuscript in AMP Hofstra's Literary Magazine (May 2019) How To Be Good, a print-on-demand children’s book I created with an illustrator in late 2018-early 2019 that stars various trees to discuss authenticity and what makes a creature “good.” Laundry: Home of the Good Shepherd in J Journal (Fall 2018 issue) (For)Give Us Our Senses in Raven’s Perch (August 5, 2018) The Equality App with Ghost Parachute (August 1, 2018) But You Should Never End a Sentence With a Bird on Sunlight Press (May 2, 2018) A Mouth Named Cat (pages 16-20) in Riggwelter (April 1, 2018) The Raft of Life with Flash Fiction Magazine (March 27, 2018) Subjects for the Smoking Room, a short story on Contrary Magazine (Jan. 8, 2018) – this short story has been nominated for a Pushcart (November 2018) Subjects for the Smoking Room received Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train’s very short fiction contest (Oct. 25, 2017) Subject on Monstering Mag (July 22, 2017) Mending School in Belletrist Magazine's Volume 2 (July 2017) Cast Your Vision in Door is a Jar (April 3, 2017) A Hoisting Point, pages 35-37 of issue one of The Hungry Chimera (March 1, 2017) Purple is for Playtime, a print-on-demand children’s book I created with an illustrator in 2016 that talks about friendships starring Blue and Red and how they interact with the other colors.
Nonfiction: Prior to 2022Why Many Dating Standards Are Ableist (Dec. 4, 2021) A review of The Elements of Choice in Real Change (November 17, 2021) How to determine disability-friendly online dating profiles on Iris Dating (October 17, 2021) A book review of Book Wars in Real Change (Sept. 22, 2021) We Need to Change How We Talk About Types on Iris Dating(August 13, 2021) Unfulfilled: How a name brand wins at our expense, a book review in Real Change and was reprinted in South Sound Emerald (July 21, 2021) Discomfort is the New Comfort Zone on Mad in America (July 13, 2021) How To Stop Thinking About Someone on EQ Iris Dating (July 5th, 2021) It’s Okay To Focus On Your Body on EQ Iris Dating (June 7, 2021) A book review of Sigrid Nunez’s What You Are Going Through in Real Change (May 12, 2021) If Blue, Then Sing in Volume Three with Press Pause (2021) We Do Not Have Everything We Need in Mad in America (May 8, 2021) This episode about me on Writer’s Rough Draft podcast (May 5, 2021) ash from a previous Night on the Adirondack Review (Spring 2021) All Of It, Not Clear But Solid in Otoliths (April 30, 2021) Disclosing Disability When Dating in Iris Dating (April 27, 2021) Dating While Disabled on Iris Dating (April 15, 2021) Mental Health at the End of the World in Mad in America (April 10, 2021) A book review of The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton in Real Change (March 31, 2021) Our Culture Is Abusive in Mad In America (March 7, 2021) Mainstream Mental Heath is Hazardous For Your Mental Health in Mad in America (January 28, 2021) The Professionalization of Mental Health is Ruining Friendship on Mad in America (January 2, 2021) You Would Not Have Heard The Music in Issue 11 of Glint (December 31, 2020) Stop Saying This: an encore! on Mad in America (December 20, 2020) Stop Saying This, Part 6: It Takes Two, Life's Not Fair and More on Mad in America (November 18, 2020) Co-presenter of the CEU course Girls on the Spectrum, offered through the Washington State Society For Clinical Social Work (11/10/2020 via Zoom) Stop Saying This, Part 5: Fake it Till You Make it on Mad in America (Oct. 21, 2020) Stop Saying This, Part 4 on Mad in America (September 9, 2020) A book review of Unrigged on Real Change (Aug. 12, 2020) Stop Saying This, Part 3 on Mad in America (Aug. 6, 2020) My interview on The Habit Project podcast (Aug. 2, 2020) Hawaii's Feminist COVID recovery plan - my first shared byline - in Yes! Magazine (July 15, 2020) Things to Stop Saying, Part 2 on Mad in America (July, 12, 2020) Book review of Every Day We Get More Illegal by Juan Felipe Herrera in Real Change (July 1, 2020) Hawaii Has a Feminist COVID Recovery Plan with Mobilisation Lab (June 30, 2020) Things to Stop Saying, Part 1 on Mad in America (June 14, 2020) COVID: A Mirror for Autism on Cognitive Sensations (June 8, 2020) A book review of A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things in Real Change (May 27, 2020) Loneliness is Deadlier Than COVID on Mad in America (May 13, 2020) Autism Explained, episode 1068 of the Psychology in Seattle podcast (April 30, 2020) Mental Health Professionals are Struggling, too, Here's How They're Supporting Each Other on Yes! Magazine (April 20, 2020) There's Something Spreading Faster Than COVID-19, and It's Not Fear. It's Toxic Positivity on Mad in America (April 20, 2020) We Need More Than Hand Washing To Fight COVID19 in Rooted in Rights (March 27, 2020) Observing Makes Play – my podcast interview on The Annie Altman Show – episode 78 under Season 5 (March 21, 2020) COVID-19 Relief Needs to be Permanent in Yes! Magazine (March 20, 2020) - included in this comprehensive list of racial-equity resources published in April 2020 Coronavirus media and interpersonal messages are strongly tending toward ableism and ageism in Real Change (March 19, 2020) Please Stop Saying Depression is Like Diabetes on Mad in America (March 12, 2020) I Wasn't Lying About The Fire with Revolute (March 2, 2020) This Trans-Owned Co-Op Builds Community and Economic Stability in Yes! Magazine (January 29, 2020) My second podcast! Episode 35 of The Very Bad Therapy podcast is my experience with abuse of power (among other things) in the church. Architect on Selcouth Station (Jan. 5, 2020) A book review of Rebel Minds in Real Change (Dec. 18, 2019) Capitalism Makes Solutions Impossible: A Review of Rebel Minds on Mad in America (November 8, 2019) Book review of Can You Hear Me? by Elena Varvello in Real Change (October 2, 2019) How Steep is That Sidewalk? in Yes! Magazine! (August 21, 2019) In Defense of Anger on Mad in America (August 15, 2019) Compassion Fail: Housing is a right, not a reword (August 14, 2019) Where my last name came from, which I'm keeping despite getting divorced (June 24, 2019) My third guest post for Women in Theology: What: Mental Illness in the Body of Christ (June 10, 2019) Blaming The System May Be The Best Therapy on Mad in America (May 25, 2019) A review of Megan Abbott's Give Me Your Hand in Real Change (April 17, 2019) The Therapeutic Role of Blame in Mad in America (April 6, 2019) I Get To Decide What's Helpful For Me on Mad in America (March 13, 2019)[caption id="attachment_6702" align="alignright" width="348"] Reading from my poetry book Long Division at Tupelo Press's alumni reading breakout session at the AWP in Portland, OR, Spring 2019[/caption] Anger on The Manifest Station (March 7, 2019) A book review of Thomas Clerc's Interior on Real Change (Feb. 20, 2019) My second guest post for Women in Theology: Who and How? An Invitation: (February 11, 2019) 5 Ways to Protect the Planet While Uplifting People with Disabilities published in Yes! on 1/24/19 was picked up by TruthOut (January 27, 2019) 5 Ways to Protect the Planet While Uplifting People with Disabilities in Yes! Magazine (January 24, 2019) 17 “Impossible” Success Stories That Prove We’re Making Progress in Yes! Magazine (January 23, 2019) A book review of The Death of Truth in Real Change (January 9, 2019) Nothing is Red on Counterclock (December 14, 2018) The Real Attention Deficit Disorder on Mad In America (November 24, 2018) My first guest post for Women in Theology: An Introduction to Mental Illness in a Theological Context (November 23, 2018) A book review of Donald Hall’s A Carnival of Losses in Real Change News (November 14, 2018) I Want a Reply, an essay for NUHA’s writing competition (Oct. 31, 2018) Suicide Hotlines, Risk Assessment and Rights: Whose Safety Matters? on Mad in America, Oct. 23, 2018) Anger on Women’s Voices Matter (Oct. 15, 2018) Part 2 of my book review of Andrew Solomon’s Noonday Demon (Oct. 12, 2018) We Need To Talk About Self Care on Mad in America (October 2, 2018) A book review of Andrew Keen’s How to Fix the Future in Real Change (Sept. 19, 2018) David Foster Wallace: Suicide and the Death of Agency on Mad In America (Sept, 12, 2018, the ten-year anniversary of DFW’s suicide) The Impervious Surface of Professional Help: A Letter to My Therapist as part of Mad in America’s spotlight on Suicide (September 1, 2018) Sleep Study with the now defunct daCuhna (August 27, 2018) Can a Strict Vegetable Diet Cure Cancer? A review of The Food Cure in Yes! Magazine (August 16, 2018) Part 1of a book review of Andrew Solomon’s The Noonday Demon on The Seattle Star (August 3, 2018) A book review of BJ Mendelson’s Privacy and How to Get It Back from Real Change News (August 1, 2018) #MeToo or Not to #MeToo Should Not Be The Question, reposted on Women’s Voices Matter originally posted on The Manifest Station, was solicited to be (July 13, 2018) A book review of Svend Brinkmann’s Stand Firm in Real Change (July 11, 2018) An op-ed about the myth that poor people are coming to Seattle for our “good services” in Real Change News (July 4th, 2018) An interactive book review of The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides (June 30, 2018) Papa Asparagus on Soft Cartel (June 23, 2018) Suicide in a Culture of Mandated Happiness – Who’s to Blame?, one of the most popular articles on Mad in America the week of June 14, 2018 An interactive book review of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States (May 31, 2018) This Is Your Personality Test on Capitalism on Mad in America (May 29, 2018) A review of my chapbook Long Division on At The Inkwell (May 24, 2018) Happy Little Trees: A Call for Positive Art During Dark Times, Folk Rebellion’s The Dispatch (The American Dream Issue, May 2018) “You Don’t Look Disabled”on Unemploymentville (May 8, 2018) An interactive book review of Molly Peacock’s The Analyst (May 7, 2018) Book review of The Once and Future Liberal by Mark Lilla in Real Change (May 2, 2018) Apply Yourself, Your Whole Self and Nothing But Yourself– my first blog post with Mad in America (April 6, 2018) A book review of A World of Three Zeros by Nobel-prize-winning economist Muhammad Yunnus in Real Change News (April 4, 2018) “Walk Up Not Out” is a campaign of cowardice and control in Real Change News (April 4, 2018) What’s Wrong with Saying Stephen Hawking is Finally Free with Yes! Magazine (March 29, 2018) Five Things We Know About People Who Live The Longest, a feature article in the print issue of Yes! Magazine (Spring 2018 issue) Op-ed about Seattle’s sweetened-beverage tax in Real Change (Feb. 21, 2018) #MeToo or Not to #MeToo Should Not Be the Question on Manifest Station (Feb. 19, 2018) Hope Deferred on Tiferet’s Blog (Feb. 16, 2018) Book review of The Vanishing American Corporation in Real Change (Feb. 14, 2018) Op-ed about Trump and the outrage machine in Real Change (Feb. 7, 2018) Review of Malcolm Harris’ Kids These Days in Real Change (Feb. 7, 2018) An interview with Chuck Collins in The Sun (February 2018 issue) A review of The Book of Joan in Real Change (Dec. 6, 2017) True story about Andrea Mobano, mother of three who fled the Congo thinking she’d never see her husband again (for a decade, she was right) (Oct. 17, 2017) Why do we continue to accept the totally unaffordable reality of Seattle’s housing market? (Sept. 27, 2017) Book review of Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy in Real Change News (August 9, 2017) Interview and review of Born on Third Base by Chuck Collins in Real Change (July 19, 2017) A Positive Mind Hurt My Body in You and Me Magazine (June 30, 2017) A version of Busy is the New Fine in Real Change (June 21, 2017) Busy is the New Fine on Amendo (June 15, 2017) “I Wish I Was as Skinny as You” in the now defunct Lady Literacy Magazine (May 5, 2017) The March for Science Did More Harm Than Good in Real Change (May 10, 2017) I’m on the Autism Spectrum and Autism Awareness Month is Complicated for Me on PsychCentral (April 17, 2017) Book review of The Rise and Fall of American Growth in Real Change News (Feb. 15, 2017) Stop Calling Trump an Outsider, reprinted in Real Change (Feb. 15, 2017) The Hyphen is Not a Subtraction Sign, in Paper Nautilus’ Exhausting Honesty: An Anthology of Rage and Hope in America (Jan. 20, 2017)
Nonfiction: 2022 - PresentHey! There Are Kids Here in Issue one, Winter 2025 (Feb. 2025) Sleepy Study in Issue 15 (Winter 2024) Glint Magazine (Dec. 31st, 2024) A book review of Crash by Ann Bracken in Psychosis, published online Sept. 2023, in print Volume 16 (March 2024) Mustard-Seed Faith: Healing in Community on Erin Grimm’s blog (Jan. 1. 2024) Remind Me Again on Thimble Magazine (Nov. 11, 2023) My interview with Ann Bracken about her memoir Crash and poetry collection Once You’re Inside on New Books Network (Oct. 31st, 2023) A book review of Crash in Psychosis (Sept. 29, 2023) Lessons from a Sheep Farm in Farmish (Sept. 23, 2023) Book Review: A History of Fatigue from the Middle Ages to the Present on Mad In America (Sept. 19, 2023) Under The Bread, page 93 of Issue 9 of Book of Matches (Sept. 1, 2023) A book review of Crash: A Memoir of Overmedication and Recovery by Ann Bracken on Mad in America (August 31ß, 2023) Making Crazy: A Book Review of Rob Wipond’s “Your Consent Is Not Required” on Mad in America (May 19, 2023) Interview (my part starts around minute 16) about my Quillette article in Australia’s Broadcasting Company (May 15, 2023) The Sanctification of The Self on Quillette (April 21, 2023) Faithfulness in Words of the Lamb (April 4, 2023) Medically-Assisted Suicide is Not a win for Mental Health on Mad in America (March 30, 2023) What is Physical Chemistry and How Important Is It? on Iris Dating (March 1, 2023) 6 Signs of Twin Flame Love: How To Know If You’ve Met One? on Iris Dating (Feb. 25, 2023) First Date on a Valentine's Day: Make or Break? on Iris Dating (Feb. 9, 2023) 7 Signs You’re Dating The Wrong Person on Iris Dating (Feb. 2, 2023) Love Bombing Then Ghosting: Signs and How To Avoid It on Iris Dating (Jan. 31, 2022) How Important is Physical Attraction in a Relationship in Iris Dating (Jan. 16, 2023) Far Too Soft for Folding in Issue 9 of Wishbone Words (Jan. 11, 2023) Fear of Commitment: Signs, Causes and How To Get Over It on Iris Dating (Jan. 11, 2023) What is a Soul Tie? Types, Symptoms and Signs on Iris Dating (Jan. 3, 2022) Fear of Dating Again (FODA): How to Cope with Dating Anxiety on Iris Dating (Dec. 29, 2022) How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection in Relationships on Iris Dating (Dec. 28, 2022) How Attractive Am I? in Iris Dating (Dec. 21, 2022) What is mutual attraction and how can you recognize it? on Iris Dating (Dec. 20, 2022) When All The Lights Are On in Free Spirit’s “Christmas and Halloween Stories” (December 2022) My summary of a research study of the Dutch Protocol on Our Duty (December 2022) Waking from the Woke Religion, Part 4 on Burien News (Dec. 7, 2022) Concerns With Highline Schools District’s Use of the Book “Street Data” (Part 1) on Gem of the Sound/Burien News (Nov. 30, 2022) Waking from the Woke Religion – part 3 on Gem of the Sound/Burien News (Nov. 23, 2022) What is attraction anxiety in Iris Dating (Nov. 21, 2022) Attraction is not shallow on Iris Dating (Nov. 20, 2022) Waking from the Woke Religion - Part 2 on Gem of the Sound (Nov. 8, 2022) How Attractive Are You According To Science in Iris Dating (Oct. 28, 2022) Waking from the Woke Religion - Part 1 on Gem of the Sound (Oct. 24, 2022) What Goes Unspoken in Land Acknowledgments - Part 2 on Gem of the Sound (Oct. 18, 2022) What Goes Unsaid in Land Acknowledgments - Part 1 on Gem of the Sound (Oct. 11, 2022) How I Learned I’m Allergic to Octopus Ink 65 Feet Underwater in Scuba Diving Magazine (Sept. 30, 2022) What the Rise of Lonely, Single Men Means for Women in Iris Dating (Sept. 30, 2022) Quiet Quitting Can Set a Boundary on Iris Dating (Sept. 12, 2022) Healthy Relationships Matter More Than We Think on Iris Dating (August 15, 2022) Is There Life After Love on Iris Dating (Aug. 8, 2022) A Diagnosis and Its Damages: A review of Orna Ophir's Schizophrenia: An Unfinished History on Mad in America (July 22, 2022) What Can We Learn from the Stranger Things Cast's Friendship Test on Iris Dating (July 20, 2022) My article about expanding mental health services and massing shootings was reposted by Nashville therapist Chris Hancock (July 13, 2022) Should You be Concerned About Mandatory Reporting Laws As a Disabled Dater? on Iris Dating (July 12, 2022) Does Knowing Your Personality Type Actually Help You in Your Dating Life? in Iris Dating (July 1, 2022) Love On The Spectrum Claims that the Search for Love for Autistics is Difficult. It's Not Because We Don't Experience Physical Attraction. On Iris Dating (June 28, 2022) Expanding mental health treatment won't stop mass shootings on Mad in America (June 24, 2022) The Danger in the Need to Feel Special in Iris Dating (June 21, 2022) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got *quietly* engaged in the age of social media on Iris Dating (June 16, 2022) Amber Heard fired her PR team. What lessons can we learn for our dating lives?On Iris Dating (June 5, 2022) Why Do People Leave Someone They Love on Iris Dating (May 30, 2022) A book review of I Never Thought of It That Way by Monica Guzman in Stanford Social Innovations Review (May 26, 2022) Should a lack of friends be a red flag? n Iris Dating (May 17, 2022) Is It Ever Okay To Ghost on Iris Dating (May 3, 2022) What Falling in Love Feels Like On Iris Dating (April 20, 2022) Will Smith’s Apology: “Love Will Make You Do Crazy Things” Iris Dating (April 17, 2022) “We Were On a Break!” What Does Taking a Break Look Like on Iris Dating (March 31, 2022) "Your Disability Doesn't Define You" is not an encouragement on Iris Dating (March 19, 2022) Financial Fitness Did More for My Mental Health Than Therapy on HealthyRich (March 16, 2022) How To Tell If You're Being Treated Like a Charity Case on EQ Iris Dating (Feb. 25, 2022) The Impacts of Telling Disabled Daters to "Just be Happy being Single" on Iris Dating (Feb. 18, 2022) Fentress, T. S. P., Wald, S., Brah, A., Leemon, G., Reyes, R., Alkhamees, F., Kramer, M., Taylor, E. M., Wildhood, M., Frohe, T., Duncan, M. H., Clifasefi, S. L., & Collins, S. E. (2021). Dual study describing patient-driven harm reduction goal-setting among people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorder. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 29(3), 261–271. Dating for the first time in your 30s on EQ Iris Dating (January 25, 2021) Dating While Disabled During and After COVID on EQ Iris Dating (January 10, 2022) Can Anything Good Come Out Of Therapy? On Mad In America (Jan. 7, 2022)
PoetryBowed As If Laden With Snow, my first full-length poetry collection, was published in May of 2023 by Cornerstone Press. The poems in Bowed were written between August of 2008 and December of 2021. They peels back the layers of climate change, divorce, and their similarities, all while pointing the way toward healing and robust hope that inspires life- and love-affirming heart postures. You can find this work in my website's store or through Cornerstone Press (scroll down to my name and follow the ordering instructions). Directions in the World to Apply to My Head in Issue 4, Volume 6 of Whispers to Roars (Feb. 4, 2025) Speech Aides in Frighten the Horses (Jan. 20th, 2025) We Stop Growing Up The Moment We Do in Issue 9.2 in In Parentheses (January 2025) Oso Means Bear in Another Language in Issue One of Pictura Journal (August 1, 2024) - nominated for a Pushcart prize in November Settling Accounts and Birthday Celebration in Volume 4 of Anodyne Magazine (Nov. 14, 2024) No One’s Still in Bethlehem on Dodging the Rain (Oct. 1, 2024) Settling Accounts on Black Coffee Review (Fall 2024) Split Open on Wild Sound Festival (Sept. 24, 2024) My interview with Nicholas Molbert about Altars of Fraction and Spine on New Books Network (Sept. 15, 2024) Oso Means Bear in Another Language in Issue One of Pictura Journal (August 1, 2024) My interview with Christian Collier about Greater Ghost on New Books Network (July 22, 2024) Where everything is clear, there is light and Seeing Yourself Grown Up in Issue Four, Volume 8, Summer 2024 of In Parentheses (July 15, 2024) How To Clear A Paper Jam in Issue Three of Mollusk Lit (June 2024) Unexploded Rocket Syndrome, The Feelings Wheel Spiral and Language Limits in Lothlorien Poetry Journal (June 21, 2024) Way Down in Voicemail Poems (June 6, 2024) Running (from) the Asylum and Bullet-Point List in Chanterelle’s Notebook (March 26, 2024) Grown Up in Literary Heist (March 20, 2024) My interview with Karen Ribgy about Fabulosa on New Books Network (Feb. 6, 2024) My interview with Cynthia Marie Hoffman about Exploding Head on New Books Network (Jan. 9, 2024) How To Stop Time on Dipity Literary Magazine (Dec. 7, 2023) My interview with Elizabeth Hoover on the New Books Network (Dec. 2, 2023) How To Clear a Paper Jam in Issue 3 of Mollusk Lit (November 2023) My interview with Katherine Gaffney about her debut collection Fool In a Blue House on New Books News (Nov. 6th, 2023) My reading of Self-Acceptance here and here (Oct. 13, 2023) Self-Acceptance in The Amazine (Sept. 20, 2023) Reading from Long Division and Bowed As If Laden With Snow on Nervous Ghost’s reading—14:51-21:45 of “The Waiting Room Journal Virtual Reading Encore” video (Sept. 24, 2023) Vocation in Masque and Spectacle (Sept. 1, 2023) My interview with Molly Peacock on New Books Network (August 15, 2023) When You Want To Be Glad You Failed on Frighten the Horses (August 8, 2023) My interview with Linda Nemec Foster on New Books Network (August 1, 2023) Light for the Blind on The Lake Poetry (August 1, 2023) A short video I made about Bowed As if Laden With Snow on the New Books Network podcast channel (July 26, 2023) My poem "Evaporation" on page 63 of this journal won first place in the Grantchester Awards on The Orchards Poetry Summer 2023 (July 12, 2023) My interview with Jenifer DeBellis about her full-length poetry collection New Wilderness (July 4, 2023) My interview with Michele Herman about her collection Just Another Jack and her novel Save the Village on New Books Network (June 20, 2023) My interview with Emily Hockaday about her collection Naming The Ghost on New Books Network (June 6, 2023) I Dare You To Hope in Neologism Poetry Journal (June 2023) Coming Home and If The Brain Were A Tree on pages 34-35 of the Spring 2023 issue of Tipton Poetry Journal (June 2023) I was interviewed on Quintessential Listening about Bowed As If Laden With Snow (May 30, 2023) My interview with Ann-Marie Oomen on the poetry channel of the New Books Network (May 23, 2023) My interview with Heather Bourbeau on the poetry channel of the New Books Network (May 9, 2023) Gaffes Will Be The Glory, And You Are Free, Timber, The Great Glass Party, and Time Never Tells on In Parentheses (April 26th, 2023) The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You in Issue 23 of Ballast (April 3, 2023) Counselor’s Couch on page eight or nine in issue #5—Sanctuary—of Moonflake (march 2023) Living in the Momentum on scissors and spackle (Jan. 23, 2023) Treatment in Issue 91 of Pedestal Magazine (Jan. 3, 2022) Appearance on the Eat The Storms podcast: Episode 8 of Season 6 (Dec. 11, 2022) Without Smiling at Strangers in Poet's Choice's collection "Masked Faces" (August 2022) Instructions for How to Live My Life in Heartwood Literary (May 1, 2022) A republication of Clay, originally published in the now defunct Blue Bonnet Review, where it won a competition in 2016, in Doubleback Review (April 15, 2022) Me reading Love in the Injustice Age featured on Gyroscope Poetry for National Poetry Month (April 10, 2022) With The Wash On Our Hip in Moist Poetry Journal (March 4, 2022) Healing Is So Small in Moist Poetry Journal (March 2, 2022) Gaffes Will Be The Glory, And You Are Free, When We Have To Calculate Age, The Great Glass Party and Time Never Tells in Roi Fainéant (February 20, 2022) Editor’s feature of Oh. There is No Going Back (published in October of 2021 in Bacopa Literary Review 2021) Instructions for How to Live My Life and This Is How The Cathedral Works in Issue 10 of The Rush (December 18, 2021) Timber in Cacti Fur (October 20, 2021) Oh. There Is No Going Back in Bacopa Literary Review 2021 (Oct. 4, 2021) This is My Body, Broken For Who? on pages 25-6 in Issue 6 of Poetic Sun γλυπτός ὀδούς with Stone (September 8,2021) (R)Evolution with Masque & Spectacle (September 1, 2021) Barefaced in Danse Macabre’s DM 136 issue (August 4, 2021) A Divorce Decree and Headstone in Flowersong Press’s Boundless Anthology (Summer 2021) Pile Up in Issue Four of Channel (May 2021); I read this poem at the launch party on April 28th at 47:55 here Physics and Green Room with Plume Poetry (May 1, 2021) Mystery Confirmed on pages 12-13 of issue 20 Sonic Boom (April 3, 2021) Headstone (pg. 12) and Remainder (pg. 34) in Gyroscope’s Spring 2021 issue (April 1, 2021) Adulto, El Fin de dia, and En La Pradera, three Spanish poems in Flying Ketchup Press’s anthology The Very Edgy Poetry Collection (Sept. 1, 2020) Opinion is the New Bullseye read aloud (41:55 – 48:10) on Rattle’s weekly virtual open mic series (May, 24, 2020) Green Room with Lucky Jefferson (May 1, 2020) Suicide and And We Crawl in Issue 11 of Lotus-eater Press (April 16, 2020) I wish human destruction was like Cordite Review (Feb. 1, 2020) The Rollicking Crowd is Holy with Ancient Paths (Jan. 29, 2022) Mystery Confirmed in Panoplyzine (January 3, 2020) Dog Walking in Comstock Review’s print-only Fall/Winter 2019 edition The 8th Plague on 8 Poems (December 26, 2019) When Do Death and Destruction Break in Pedestal Magazine (December 19, 2019) A/B Testing on Kissing Dynamite (September 30, 2019) Guilt with Glintmoon (September 25, 2019) Oenophile in The Anglican Theological Review, Vol 101.3 (Summer 2019) Lessons from Mom with 8 Poems (June 2019) This Glass Ledger and Timber in DASH (Spring 2019)-reached out over FB and didn’t hear back so I responded to the original correspondence in Submittable I wish human destruction was like in Thimble Magazine (March 22, 2019) Both Sides, End After End and How The Church Tells Time on isacoustic (February 6, 2019) To Be Tacked on Corporate Doors on Folded Words (November 28, 2018) Stars, Ice and Fuel in caesura (November 17, 2018) “The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You” in Earth’s Daughters’ #92 (She Persisted) issue (October 2018) Perforation; Stars, Ice and Fuel and 12-Step Communion with Leaping Clear (fall issue, September 2018) Negative Space in the fall issue of borrowed solace (Sept. 21, 2018) Here, Me with The Adirondack Review Fall Issue (September 1, 2018) – this prose poem was nominated for a Pushcart (December 2018) Perforation with Pangolin Review (July 8, 2018) “Oral History” on page 8 of Issue 22 in Redactions: Poetry and Poetics (June 2018). This poem has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize as of November 2018. “How To Talk About The Weather” in the now defunct Ibis Head Review (June 2018 issue) - no link, journal in indefinite hiatus Both Sides and Insomnia at the Beach on Blanket Sea (April 16, 2018) Perdida para Kiribati, my first Spanish-language poem with Toyon Literary Magazine (March 22, 2018) Time with Spanida Literary Review (January 26, 2018) Long Division, my first chapbook, released September 2017 with Finishing Line Press: Contact me to order a copy or order here. Kindness Matters op-ed in Real Change (Nov. 8, 2017) To The Invisible in Issue 5 of The Fenland Reed (Nov. 2, 2017) Everything Orbits Camels on FictionWeek (Oct. 24, 2017) Young for Now, also included in my chapbook Long Division on the Same (Oct. 23, 2017) Depth Perfection in Zone 3 (Fall 2017) Hard was a finalist in the Pen2Paper Poetry of Disability contest (Oct. 9, 2017) Portmanteau originally published in 2015 is now part of the now defunct Pith’s first anthology (Sept. 11, 2017) Labor Day in Snapdragon (Sept. 9, 2107) Don’t Fall (for it) The Way The World Did in Up The Staircase Quarterly‘s Audio/Visual issue (August 1, 2017) Shootings, Each a Mile Away and After Mom’s Grave on Sheila-Na-Gig (July 16, 2017) Metamorphose, winner of Creative Ink’s monthly poetry contest – UK version and Irish version (July 14, 2017) Presented from Church in the Decaying Shipyard, my full-length manuscript of poetry, at the Society of Vineyard Scholars’ annual conference at Yale Divinity School in New Haven, CT (June 22-24, 2017); video recordings: reading and follow up discussion Light for the Blind in the now defunct Bottlecap (May 21, 2017) Self-Acceptance, in the Origami Poems Project‘s second annual The Best of Kindness 2017: The Poetry of Kindness (April 4, 2017) Embracing the Homeless Woman Selling Papers in America Magazine (March 21, 2017) To My Confessor in the now defunct Forage Poetry (Jan. 28th, 2017) Spoiler Alert on page 34 of Obra/Artifact’s Issue 1 (Jan. 9, 2017)
Full List: Chronological - Prior to 20202019 Dog Walking in Comstock Review’s print-only Fall/Winter 2019 edition The 8th Plague on 8 Poems (December 26, 2019) When Do Death and Destruction Break in Pedestal Magazine (December 19, 2019) A book review of Rebel Minds in Real Change (Dec. 18, 2019) Good Little Light, Roadrunner Review, which nominated it for 2020 Best Small Fictions with Sonder Press This is Your Voice, Okay? with Moria Press (December 2, 2019) The Company on Scarlet Leaf Review (November 13, 2019) Capitalism Makes Solutions Impossible: A Review of Rebel Minds on Mad in America (November 8, 2019) Ghost List with Sunlight Press (October 28, 2019). Sunlight Press nominated this piece for Sonder Press’s 2020 Best Small Fictions Anthology. Book review of Can You Hear Me? by Elena Varvello in Real Change (October 2, 2019) A/B Testing on Kissing Dynamite (September 30, 2019) Guilt with Glintmoon (September 25, 2019) How It’s Done, which was one of three that won Third Wednesday’s George Dila Memorial Flash Fiction, (Fall 2019 Issue of 3rd Wednesday) Oenophile in The Anglican Theological Review, Vol 101.3 (Summer 2019) In Defense of Anger on Mad in America (August 15, 2019) Compassion Fail: Housing is a right, not a reword (August 14, 2019) Where my last name came from, which I’m keeping despite getting divorced (June 24, 2019) Celebration Room on Commuter Lit (June 13, 2019) Lessons from Mom with 8 Poems (June 2019) My third guest post for Women in Theology: What: Mental Illness in the Body of Christ (June 10, 2019) Blaming The System May Be The Best Therapy on Mad in America (May 25, 2019) It Isn’t Easy When You See Everyone Die, an excerpt from my novel manuscript in AMP Hofstra’s Literary Magazine (May 2019) The Glass Ledger and Timber in DASH (Spring 2019) A review of Megan Abbott’s Give Me Your Hand in Real Change (April 17, 2019) The Therapeutic Role of Blame in Mad in America (April 6, 2019) I wish human destruction was like in Thimble Magazine (March 22, 2019) I Get To Decide What’s Helpful For Me on Mad in America (March 13, 2019) Reading from my poetry book Long Division at Tupelo Press’s alumni reading breakout session at the AWP in Portland, OR, Spring 2019 Anger on The Manifest Station (March 7, 2019) A book review of Thomas Clerc’s Interior on Real Change (Feb. 20, 2019) My second guest post for Women in Theology: Who and How? An Invitation: (February 11, 2019) Both Sides, End After End and How The Church Tells Time on isacoustic (February 6, 2019) 5 Ways to Protect the Planet While Uplifting People with Disabilities published in Yes! on 1/24/19 was picked up by TruthOut (January 27, 2019) 5 Ways to Protect the Planet While Uplifting People with Disabilities in Yes! Magazine (January 24, 2019) 17 “Impossible” Success Stories That Prove We’re Making Progress in Yes! Magazine (January 23, 2019) A book review of The Death of Truth in Real Change (January 9, 2019) How To Be Good, a print-on-demand children’s book I created with an illustrator in late 2018-early 2019 that stars various trees to discuss authenticity and what makes a creature “good.” 2018 Nothing is Red on Counterclock (December 14, 2018) To Be Tacked on Corporate Doors on Folded Words (November 28, 2018) The Real Attention Deficit Disorder on Mad In America (November 24, 2018) My first guest post for Women in Theology: An Introduction to Mental Illness in a Theological Context (November 23, 2018) Stars, Ice and Fuel in caesura (November 17, 2018) A book review of Donald Hall’s A Carnival of Losses in Real Change News (November 14, 2018) Laundry: Home of the Good Shepherd in J Journal (Fall 2018 issue) I Want a Reply, an essay for NUHA’s writing competition (Oct. 31, 2018) Suicide Hotlines, Risk Assessment and Rights: Whose Safety Matters? on Mad in America, Oct. 23, 2018) Anger on Women’s Voices Matter (Oct. 15, 2018) Part 2 of my book review of Andrew Solomon’s Noonday Demon (Oct. 12, 2018) “Love in the Injustice Age,” page 40 of the Fall Issue of Shantih Journal (Oct. 6, 2018) “The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You” in Earth’s Daughters’ #92 (She Persisted) issue (October 2018) We Need To Talk About Self Care on Mad in America (October 2, 2018) Perforation; Stars, Ice and Fuel and 12-Step Communion with Leaping Clear (fall issue, September 2018) Negative Space on page 34 of the fall issue of borrowed solace (Sept. 21, 2018) A book review of Andrew Keen’s How to Fix the Future in Real Change (Sept. 19, 2018) David Foster Wallace: Suicide and the Death of Agency on Mad In America (Sept, 12, 2018, the ten-year anniversary of DFW’s suicide) Here, Me with The Adirondack Review Fall Issue (September 1, 2018) – this prosepoem has been nominated for a Pushcart (December 2018) The Impervious Surface of Professional Help: A Letter to My Therapist as part of Mad in America’s spotlight on Suicide (September 1, 2018) Sleep Study with the now defunct daCuhna (August 27, 2018) Can a Strict Vegetable Diet Cure Cancer? A review of The Food Cure in Yes! Magazine (August 16, 2018) (For)Give Us Our Senses in Raven’s Perch (August 5, 2018) Part 1 of a book review of Andrew Solomon’s The Noonday Demon on The Seattle Star (August 3, 2018) The Equality App with Ghost Parachute (August 1, 2018) A book review of BJ Mendelson’s Privacy and How to Get It Back from Real Change News (August 1, 2018) #MeToo or Not to #MeToo Should Not Be The Question, reposted on Women’s Voices Matter originally posted on The Manifest Station, was solicited to be (July 13, 2018) Perforation with Pangolin Review (July 8, 2018) A book review of Svend Brinkmann’s Stand Firm in Real Change (July 11, 2018) An op-ed about the myth that poor people are coming to Seattle for our “good services” in Real Change News (July 4th, 2018) An interactive book review of The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides (June 30, 2018) Papa Asparagus on Soft Cartel (June 23, 2018) “Oral History” on page 8 of Issue 22 in Redactions: Poetry and Poetics (June 2018). This poem has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize as of November 2018. Suicide in a Culture of Mandated Happiness – Who’s to Blame?, one of the most popular articles on Mad in America the week of June 14, 2018 “How To Talk About The Weather” in the now defunct Ibis Head Review (June 2018 issue) An interactive book review of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States (May 31, 2018) This Is Your Personality Test on Capitalism on Mad in America (May 29, 2018) A review of my chapbook Long Division on At The Inkwell (May 24, 2018) Happy Little Trees: A Call for Positive Art During Dark Times, Folk Rebellion’s The Dispatch (The American Dream Issue, May 2018) “You Don’t Look Disabled”on Unemploymentville (May 8, 2018) An interactive book review of Molly Peacock’s The Analyst (May 7, 2018) Book review of The Once and Future Liberal by Mark Lilla in Real Change (May 2, 2018) But You Should Never End a Sentence With a Bird on Sunlight Press (May 2, 2018) Both Sides and Insomnia at the Beach on Blanket Sea (April 16, 2018) Apply Yourself, Your Whole Self and Nothing But Yourself– my first blog post with Mad in America (April 6, 2018) – my posts will be appearing once a month or so on Mad in America. A book review of A World of Three Zeros by Nobel-prize-winning economist Muhammad Yunnus in Real Change News (April 4, 2018) “Walk Up Not Out” is a campaign of cowardice and control in Real Change News (April 4, 2018) Caregiver on Unbroken Journal (April 1, 2018) A Mouth Named Cat (pages 16-20) in Riggwelter (April 1, 2018) What’s Wrong with Saying Stephen Hawking is Finally Free with Yes! Magazine (March 29, 2018) The Raft of Life with Flash Fiction Magazine (March 27, 2018) Perdida para Kiribati, my first Spanish-language poem with Toyon Literary Magazine (March 22, 2018) Time with Spanida Literary Review (January 26, 2018) Subjects for the Smoking Room, a short story on Contrary Magazine (Jan. 8, 2018) – this short story has been nominated for a Pushcart (November 2018) 2017 Long Division, my first chapbook, released September 2017 with Finishing Line Press: Contact me to order a copy or order here. A review of The Book of Joan in Real Change (Dec. 6, 2017) But You Should Never End a Sentence With a Bird on Here Comes Everyone (Nov. 21, 2017) Why I’m Not Having Kids on My So-Called Selfish Life (Nov. 8, 2017) Kindness Matters op-ed in Real Change (Nov. 8, 2017) Depth Perfection in Zone 3 (Fall 2017) To The Invisible in Issue 5 (print only) of The Fenland Reed (Nov. 2, 2017) Subjects for the Smoking Room received Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train’s very short fiction contest (Oct. 25, 2017) Everything Orbits Camels on FictionWeek (Oct. 24, 2017) Young for Now, also included in my chapbook Long Division on the Same (Oct. 23, 2017) True story about Andrea Mobano, mother of three who fled the Congo thinking she’d never see her husband again (for a decade, she was right) (Oct. 17, 2017) Hard was a finalist in the Pen2Paper Poetry of Disability contest (Oct. 9, 2017) Why do we continue to accept the totally unaffordable reality of Seattle’s housing market?(Sept. 27, 2017) Portmanteau originally published in 2015 is now part of Pith’s first anthology (Sept. 11, 2017) Labor Day in Snapdragon (Sept. 9, 2107) Book review of Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy in Real Change News (August 9, 2017) Don’t Fall (for it) The Way The World Did in Up The Staircase Quarterly‘s Audio/Visual issue (August 1, 2017) Subject on Monstering Mag (July 22, 2017) Interview and review of Born on Third Base by Chuck Collins in Real Change (July 19, 2017) Shootings, Each a Mile Away and After Mom’s Grave on Sheila-Na-Gig (July 16, 2017) Metamorphose, winner of Creative Ink’s monthly poetry contest – UK version and Irish version (July 14, 2017) Mending School in Belletrist Magazine’s Volume 2 (July 2017) A Positive Mind Hurt My Body in You and Me Magazine (June 30, 2017) Presented from Church in the Decaying Shipyard, my full-length manuscript of poetry, at the Society of Vineyard Scholars’ annual conference at Yale Divinity School in New Haven, CT (June 22-24, 2017); video recordings: reading and follow up discussion A version of Busy is the New Fine in Real Change (June 21, 2017) Busy is the New Fine on Amendo (June 15, 2017) Light for the Blind in the now defunct Bottlecap (May 21, 2017) “I Wish I Was as Skinny as You” in the now defunct Lady Literacy Magazine (May 5, 2017) The March for Science Did More Harm Than Good in Real Change (May 10, 2017) I’m on the Autism Spectrum and Autism Awareness Month is Complicated for Me on PsychCentral (April 17, 2017) Self-Acceptance, in the Origami Poems Project‘s second annual The Best of Kindness 2017: The Poetry of Kindness (April 4, 2017) Cast Your Vision in Door is a Jar (April 3, 2017) Embracing the Homeless Woman Selling Papers in America Magazine (March 21, 2017) A Hoisting Point, pages 35-37 of issue one of The Hungry Chimera (March 1, 2017) Book review of The Rise and Fall of American Growth in Real Change News (Feb. 15, 2017) Stop Calling Trump an Outsider, reprinted in Real Change (Feb. 15, 2017) To My Confessor in the now defunct Forage Poetry (Jan. 28th, 2017) The Hyphen is Not a Subtraction Sign, in Paper Nautilus’ Exhausting Honesty: An Anthology of Rage and Hope in America (Jan. 20, 2017) Stop Calling Trump an Outsider in Anti-Heroin Chic (Jan. 20, 2017) It’s Not Alzheimer’s on Visitantlit (Jan. 11, 2017 ) $7 and Other Ceremonies in On Broken Stones (Tupelo Press), a collection of 2015 Truchas conference attendees (Jan. 2017) – if you would like to order a copy of this short chapbook, please let me know. Spoiler Alert on page 34 of Obra/Artifact’s Issue 1 (Jan. 9, 2017) 2016 Walking While Female on Stoneslide Corrective (Dec. 31, 2016) We Are All Here on Path With Art (Dec. 31, 2016) Glass Hour on Algebra of Owls (Dec. 13, 2016) Divorce in the Winter 2016 issue of After the Pause, page mmm (Dec. 3, 2016) Not Jumping (since formatting matters, imagine this in four-lined stanzas rather than each line on its own since that’s the way I wrote/agonized over it), runner up in its annual Foley Poetry Contest in print and online in America Magazine (Nov. 28, 2016) An original piece about my experience after Donald Trump’s election on the now defunct This Is Not Normal (Nov. 17, 2016) A book review of The Making of Donald Trump in Real Change (Nov. 2, 2016) Placed in Glimmer Train‘s top 25 for their Very Short Fiction contest (Oct. 2016) Book review of The Value of Homelessness in Real Change (Oct. 12, 2016) Book review of Dark Money: The Hidden History of Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right in Real Change (Oct. 5, 2016) Purple is for Playtime, a print-on-demand children’s book I created with an illustrator in 2016 that talks about friendships starring Blue and Red and how they interact with the other colors. A revision of Pinata on (Sep. 9, 2016) Politics in The Careless Embrace of the Boneshaker, a great weather for MEDIA anthology (August 8, 2016) In Defense of Apologies on ThoughtCatalog (July 26, 2016) How and why my husband and I both changed our last names when we got married on the now defunct xoJane (June 17, 2016) The Green City in Real Change (June 15, 2016) Thoughts about unfriending on the now defnuct xoJane (June 9, 2016) Thoughts on Trump, an Op-Ed in Real Change (May 25, 2016) Birthday; April Contest winner for CreativeInk’s monthly writing contest (May 25, 2016) When You’ve Reached the End of Your Rope, Please Hold On on ThoughtCatalog (May 6, 2016) Letter to the Editor in The Seattle Times(April 25, 2016) Daring to Hope in Syria, in Pankhearst’s America is Not the World anthology (April 15, 2016) Autism Awareness Hurts, Rather Than Helps, People on the Spectrum on the now defunct xoJane (April 12, 2016) Trigger Warnings Censor and Harm Survivors on the now defunct xoJane (April 8, 2016) Op-Ed in Real Change (April 6, 2016) Looking Autistic in The Atlantic (March 24, 2016) Cornfield Country republished w/ permission on Seattle Pacific Seminary’s blog (March 17, 2016) Book review of Invisible in Austin in Real Change (March 2nd, 2016) Piñata, Physics and Vapor in the now defunct Tiny Poetry: Macropoetics (Feb. 26, 2016) When Getting Grounded Takes a Sea in LitroMagazine (Feb. 20, 2016) Interview with Alyssa Katz, author of The Influence Machine: The Chamber of Commerce and the Corporate Capture of American Life in Real Change (Jan. 27th, 2016) Clay, top-ten finalist in the now defunct Blue Bonnet Review’s annual poetry contest (Jan. 22, 2016) Op-Ed in Real Change about fear and comfort in today’s political environment (Jan. 6, 2016) 2015 Book review of The Rule of Nobody in Real Change (Dec. 9, 2015) Contest winner: short piece in course catalog (winter 2015, page 2) Laundry in Three Line Poetry (Nov. 2015) Essay in Atticus Review: “ASD: A Spectrum in the Rough” (Oct. 27, 2015) Letter to the editor at The New Yorker (Oct. 26, 2015) re: Malcolm Gladwell’s Thresholds of Violence Portmanteau with the now defunct Pith (October 22, 2015) Interview with author Robert Scheer about government spying, his book They Know Everything About You and what we can do to restore individual privacy (Sept. 30, 2015) Interview with medical interpreter trainer Juan Gutierrez in Real Change (Sept. 23, 2015 The Pastor on (Sept. 8, 2015) Received Honorable Mention in Writer’s Digest’s 84 Annual Writing Competition for my nonfiction essay Depth Perfection (Sept. 2015) Vapor, printed on a postcard, interview with Red-Flag Poetry Service (August 15, 2015) Participation in the Lament for the Dead project, mourning the loss of Craig Whisenand (August 12, 2015) Op-ed article in Real Change about the laws banning/restricting distributing food to the homeless (July 15, 2015) Op-ed article in Real Change about WA State’s new addendum to its mental health legislation, “Joel’s Law” (May 27, 2015) May 2015 participant in Tupelo Press’s 30/30 Project – a poem-a-day fundraiser for this indie literary press Five Pieces on Scotland’s Annual Open Arts and Craft Open Studios event, the “Spring Fling” (May 22, 2015) Revenance Vapor Clay Perforation Rock, O My Baby “Carousel Time” in Only Trollops Shave Above the Knee (April 30th, 2015) “The Green City” on New Verse News (April 5th, 2015) “Catch” in Souvenir Lit Magazine (Feb. 27, 2015) Bio and story on (Feb. 7, 2015) Book review of War of the Whales by Joshua Horwitz in Real Change (Jan. 8th, 2015) 2014 “Why Women Matter: The Church of God as the Face of God”on The Junia Project (Dec. 9, 2014) Book review of Getting Life by Michael Morton in Real Change (Nov. 5th, 2014) “To Infinity and Beyond” (a never-ending fight between my husband and me about the nature of infinity) in Clash of the Couples(released in stores November 3, 2014) “Promises,” “Instructions” and “After,” in the now defunct Lodestone (Oct. 1, 2014; print/digital) “Church” (Aug. 2014) and “Abacus” and “Cornfield Country” (Dec. 2014) in Page and Spine “Excerpts from a War Memoir” in Halfway Down the Stairs (June 2014) Articles and review for Seattle Pacific Seminary’s blog (Sept. 2013 – Oct. 2016): Reflections on former bishop N.T. Wright’s lecture Synopsis of Madeleine Albright’s Visit Review of James Bryan Smith’s Church Leaders Forum Synopsis of James K.A Smith’s “Imagining and Desiring the Kingdom Lecture Review of the Annual Paul T. Walls Lecture: Dr. Wall on Revelation: Part I and Part II Synopsis of “Spiritual But Not Religious: Seeking Transcendence in a Secular Age” Discussion Review of Andy Crouch’s keynote address for the Day of Common Learning Synopsis of Race in America after Ferguson Forum at SPU: Part I and Part II Reflections on Seattle Evangelicals for Racial Justice, hosted by First Free Methodist Church Palmer Lecture Series: Review of Lecture and Q&A session Reflections on the Pacific NW Conference’s Racial Reconciliation Summit Recap of “Hackers, Spies and Freedom” – a lecture by former (and longest-served) director of the NSA, Gen. Keith Alexander Summary of the annual Wall’s Lecture Reflections on the First Annual “No Limits, No Boundaries” disability event 2013 and older “Little Book of Longing” and “Simulacra,” (Dec. 2013) “A Rescue,” Café Aphra blog (Sep. 2013) Short, untitled piece, The Sun Magazine’s Reader’s Write section (Feb. 2013) “Wishing Well,” Ballard Street Poetry Journal (March 2012) “Well,” honorable mention in Writer’s Digest Essay Competition (May 2011) “Blessed Are We,” Vineyards: A Collection of Christian Poetry(Feb. 2011) Nature of Words Rising Star Competition: Won Poetry category for “The Little Book of Longing,” age group 25+ (Nov. 2012) Honorable Mention in poetry category for “Dinner with My Father,” age group 19-25 (Nov. 2011) Honorable Mention in nature essay category for “Noisy Roots”, age group 19-25 (Nov. 2010) Won nonfiction short story category for “Moving,” age group 19-25 (Nov. 2009) “To Be Attitudes,” grand-prize winner in the poetry category for Chapel Arts Commission at SPU (March 2009) My very old blog I started to document my solo travels around Europe in the summer of 2009 and a bit beyond
Full List - Chronological - 2020 to Present2025 Hey! There Are Kids Here in Issue one, Winter 2025 (Feb. 2025) Directions in the World to Apply to My Head in Issue 4, Volume 6 of Whispers to Roars (Feb. 4, 2025) Speech Aides in Frighten the Horses (Jan. 20th, 2025) We Stop Growing Up The Moment We Do in Issue 9.2 in In Parentheses (January 2025) 2024 Sleepy Study in Issue 15 (Winter 2024) Glint Magazine (Dec. 31st, 2024) Oso Means Bear in Another Language in Issue One of Pictura Journal (August 1, 2024) - nominated for a Pushcart prize in November Settling Accounts and Birthday Celebration in Volume 4 of Anodyne Magazine (Nov. 14, 2024) No One’s Still in Bethlehem on Dodging the Rain (Oct. 1, 2024) Settling Accounts on Black Coffee Review (Fall 2024) Split Open on Wild Sound Festival (Sept. 24, 2024) My interview with Nicholas Molbert about Altars of Fraction and Spine on New Books Network (Sept. 15, 2024) Where everything is clear, there is light and Seeing Yourself Grown Up in Issue Four, Volume 8, Summer 2024 of In Parentheses (July 15, 2024) How To Clear A Paper Jam in Issue Three of Mollusk Lit (June 2024) Unexploded Rocket Syndrome, The Feelings Wheel Spiral and Language Limits in Lothlorien Poetry Journal (June 21, 2024) How You Learn Not to Break in Hedge Apple (June 6, 2024) Way Down in Voicemail Poems (June 6, 2024) Running (from) the Asylum and Bullet-Point List in Chanterelle’s Notebook (March 26, 2024) Grown Up in Literary Heist (March 20, 2024) My interview with Karen Ribgy about Fabulosa on New Books Network (Feb. 6, 2024) Leading the Witness and Commentary on Twelve Winters (Feb. 2024) My interview with Cynthia Marie Hoffman about Exploding Head on New Books Network (Jan. 9, 2024) Mustard-Seed Faith: Healing in Community on Erin Grimm’s blog (Jan. 1. 2024) 2023 How To Stop Time on Dipity Literary Magazine (Dec. 7, 2023) My interview with Elizabeth Hoover on the New Books Network (Dec. 2, 2023) How To Clear a Paper Jam in Issue 3 of Mollusk Lit (November 2023) Remind Me Again on Thimble Magazine (Nov. 11, 2023) Who Else Can See? In 34Orchard (November 2023) My interview with Katherine Gaffney about her debut collection Fool In a Blue House on New Books News (Nov. 6th, 2023) My interview with Ann Bracken about her memoir Crash and poetry collection Once You’re Inside on New Books Network (Oct. 31st, 2023) My reading of Self-Acceptance here and here (Oct. 13, 2023) My appearance on Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online, this time to talk about fiction and share short stories (Oct. 12, 2023) A book review of Crash in Psychosis (Sept. 29, 2023) The Secret Hearse starting on page 132 in Issue 30 of Ginosko Literary (Sept. 30, 2023) Self-Acceptance in The Amazine (Sept. 20, 2023) Lessons from a Sheep Farm in Farmish (Sept. 23, 2023) Reading from Long Division and Bowed As If Laden With Snow on Nervous Ghost’s reading—14:51-21:45 of “The Waiting Room Journal Virtual Reading Encore” video (Sept. 24, 2023) Book Review: A History of Fatigue from the Middle Ages to the Present on Mad In America (Sept. 19, 2023) Vocation in Masque and Spectacle (Sept. 1, 2023) Under The Bread, page 93 of Issue 9 of Book of Matches (Sept. 1, 2023) A book review of Crash: A Memoir of Overmedication and Recovery by Ann Bracken on Mad in America (August 31ß, 2023) My interview with Molly Peacock on New Books Network (August 15, 2023) When You Want To Be Glad You Failed on Frighten the Horses (August 8, 2023) Riot in the Highlands, an excerpt from WE ARE THE LUCKY ONES, in The Momentist (August 2023) My interview with Linda Nemec Foster on New Books Network (August 1, 2023) Light for the Blind on The Lake Poetry (August 1, 2023) A short video I made about Bowed As if Laden With Snow on the New Books Network podcast channel (July 26, 2023) My interview with Steve Fox about his book Sometimes Creek on New Books Network (July 18, 2023) My poem "Evaporation" on page 63 of this journal won first place in the Grantchester Awards on The Orchards Poetry Summer 2023 (July 12, 2023) My interview with Jenifer DeBellis about her full-length poetry collection New Wilderness (July 4, 2023) My interview with Emily Hockaday about her collection Naming The Ghost on New Books Network (June 6, 2023) I Dare You To Hope in Neologism Poetry Journal (June 2023) Coming Home and If The Brain Were A Tree on pages 34-35 of the Spring 2023 issue of Tipton Poetry Journal (June 2023) My interview with Ann-Marie Oomen on the poetry channel of the New Books Network (May 23, 2023) Making Crazy: A Book Review of Rob Wipond’s “Your Consent Is Not Required” on Mad in America (May 19, 2023) My interview with Heather Bourbeau on the poetry channel of the New Books Network (May 9, 2023) Interview (my part starts around minute 16) about my Quillette article in Australia’s Broadcasting Company (May 15, 2023) Gaffes Will Be The Glory, And You Are Free, Timber, The Great Glass Party, and Time Never Tells on In Parentheses (April 26th, 2023) The Sanctification of The Self on Quillette (April 21, 2023) Faithfulness in Words of the Lamb (April 4, 2023) The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You in Issue 23 of Ballast (April 3, 2023) Medically-Assisted Suicide is Not a win for Mental Health on Mad in America (March 30, 2023) Counselor’s Couch on page eight or nine in issue #5—Sanctuary—of Moonflake (march 2023) What is Physical Chemistry and How Important Is It? on Iris Dating (March 1, 2023) 6 Signs of Twin Flame Love: How To Know If You’ve Met One? on Iris Dating (Feb. 25, 2023) First Date on a Valentine's Day: Make or Break? on Iris Dating (Feb. 9, 2023) 7 Signs You’re Dating The Wrong Person on Iris Dating (Feb. 2, 2023) Love Bombing Then Ghosting: Signs and How To Avoid It on Iris Dating (Jan. 31, 2022) Living in the Momentum on scissors and spackle (Jan. 23, 2023) How Important is Physical Attraction in a Relationship in Iris Dating (Jan. 16, 2023) Far Too Soft for Folding in Issue 9 of Wishbone Words (Jan. 11, 2023) Fear of Commitment: Signs, Causes and How To Get Over It on Iris Dating (Jan. 11, 2023) What is a Soul Tie? Types, Symptoms and Signs on Iris Dating (Jan. 3, 2022) Treatment in Issue 91 of Pedestal Magazine (Jan. 3, 2022) 2022 Fear of Dating Again (FODA): How to Cope with Dating Anxiety on Iris Dating (Dec. 29, 2022) How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection in Relationships on Iris Dating (Dec. 28, 2022) How Attractive Am I? in Iris Dating (Dec. 21, 2022) What is mutual attraction and how can you recognize it? on Iris Dating (Dec. 20, 2022) Appearance on the Eat The Storms podcast: Episode 8 of Season 6 (Dec. 11, 2022) What Other Choices Did We Have? on Deep Overstock podcast (Dec. 16, 2022) When All The Lights Are On in Free Spirit’s “Christmas and Halloween Stories” (December 2022) My summary of a research study of the Dutch Protocol on Our Duty (December 2022) Waking from the Woke Religion, Part 4 on Burien News (Dec. 7, 2022) Concerns With Highline Schools District’s Use of the Book “Street Data” (Part 1) on Gem of the Sound/Burien News (Nov. 30, 2022) Waking from the Woke Religion – part 3 on Gem of the Sound/Burien News (Nov. 23, 2022) What is attraction anxiety in Iris Dating (Nov. 21, 2022) Attraction is not shallow on Iris Dating (Nov. 20, 2022) Waking from the Woke Religion - Part 2 on Gem of the Sound (Nov. 8, 2022) How Common is Mutual Attraction on Iris Dating (Nov. 7, 2022) How Attractive Are You According To Science in Iris Dating (Oct. 28, 2022) Waking from the Woke Religion - Part 1 on Gem of the Sound (Oct. 24, 2022)· What Goes Unspoken in Land Acknowledgments - Part 2on Gem of the Sound (Oct. 18, 2022) What Goes Unsaid in Land Acknowledgments – Part 1on Gem of the Sound (Oct. 11, 2022) How To Find Love, an excerpt from one of my novel manuscripts, on Discretionary Love (Oct. 9, 2022) How I Learned I’m Allergic to Octopus Ink 65 Feet Underwater in Scuba Diving Magazine (Sept. 30, 2022) What the Rise of Lonely, Single Men Means for Women in Iris Dating (Sept. 30, 2022) Quiet Quitting Can Set a Boundary on Iris Dating (Sept. 12, 2022) Healthy Relationships Matter More Than We Think on Iris Dating (August 15, 2022) Without Smiling at Strangers in Poet's Choice'scollection "Masked Faces" (August 2022) Is There Life After Love on Iris Dating (Aug. 7, 2022) A Diagnosis and Its Damages: A review of Orna Ophir's Schizophrenia: An Unfinished History on Mad in America (July 22, 2022) What Can We Learn from the Stranger Things Cast's Friendship Test on Iris Dating (July 20, 2022) My article about expanding mental health services and massing shootings was reposted by Nashville therapist Chris Hancock (July 13, 2022) Should You be Concerned About Mandatory Reporting Laws As a Disabled Dater? on Iris Dating (July 12, 2022) Does Knowing Your Personality Type Actually Help You in Your Dating Life? in Iris Dating (July 1, 2022) Love On The Spectrum Claims that the Search for Love for Autistics is Difficult. It's Not Because We Don't Experience Physical Attraction. On Iris Dating (June 28, 2022) Expanding mental health treatment won't stop mass shootings on Mad in America (June 24, 2022) The Danger in the Need to Feel Special in Iris Dating (June 21, 2022) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got *quietly* engaged in the age of social media on Iris Dating (June 16, 2022) Amber Heard fired her PR team. What lessons can we learn for our dating lives?On Iris Dating (June 5, 2022) Why Do People Leave Someone They Love on Iris Dating (May 30, 2022) A book review of I Never Thought of It That Way by Monica Guzman in Stanford Social Innovations Review (May 26, 2022) Should a lack of friends be a red flag? n Iris Dating (May 17, 2022) Is It Ever Okay To Ghost on Iris Dating (May 3, 2022) Instructions for How to Live My Life in Heartwood Literary (May 1, 2022) Modern Entertainment on Literally Stories (April 28, 2022) What Falling in Love Feels Like On Iris Dating (April 20, 2022) Will Smith’s Apology: “Love Will Make You Do Crazy Things” Iris Dating (April 17, 2022) A republication of Clay, originally published in the now defunct Blue Bonnet Review, where it won a competition in 2016, in Doubleback Review (April 15, 2022) Me reading Love in the Injustice Age featured on Gyroscope Poetry for National Poetry Month (April 10, 2022) “We Were On a Break!” What Does Taking a Break Look Like on Iris Dating (March 31, 2022) “Your Disability Doesn’t Define You” is not an encouragement on Iris Dating (March 19, 2022) Financial Fitness Did More for My Mental Health Than Therapy on HealthyRich (March 16, 2022) With The Wash On Our Hip in Moist Poetry Journal (March 4, 2022) Healing Is So Small in Moist Poetry Journal (March 2, 2022) How To Tell If You’re Being Treated Like a Charity Case on EQ Iris Dating (Feb. 25, 2022) Curated in Punt Volat (Feb. 2022) Gaffes Will Be The Glory, And You Are Free, When We Have To Calculate Age, The Great Glass Party and Time Never Tells in Roi Fainéant (Feb. 20, 2022) The Impacts of Telling Disabled Daters to “Just be Happy being Single” on Iris Dating (Feb. 18, 2022) Contributor to Dual study describing patient-driven harm reduction goal-setting among people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorder. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 29(3), 261–271 (Jan. 2022) The Rollicking Crowd is Holy with Ancient Paths (Jan. 29, 2022) Dating for the first time on your 30s on EQ Iris Dating (Jan. 25, 2021) Editor’s feature of Oh. There is No Going Back (published in October of 2021 in Bacopa Literary Review 2021) Dating While Disabled During and After COVID on EQ Iris Dating (Jan. 10, 2022) Can Anything Good Come Out Of Therapy? Mad In America (Jan. 7, 2022) 2021 Instructions for How to Live My Life and This Is How The Cathedral Works in Issue 10 of The Rush (December 18, 2021) Why Many Dating Standards Are Ableist (Dec. 4, 2021) Server Not Found on Please See Me (November 19, 2021) A review of The Elements of Choice in Real Change (November 17, 2021) The State of Colorado v. 1 Gold Crucifix with Pigeon Review (November 15, 2021) Timber in Cacti Fur (October 20, 2021) How to determine disability-friendly online dating profiles on Iris Dating (October 17, 2021) Oh. There Is No Going Back in Bacopa Literary Review 2021 (Oct. 4, 2021) A book review of Book Wars in Real Change (Sept. 22, 2021) This is My Body, Broken For Who? on pages 25-6 in Issue 6 of Poetic Sun (Sept. 2021) γλυπτός ὀδούς with Stone (Sept. 8, 2021) (R)Evolution with Masque & Spectacle (September 1, 2021) We Need to Change How We Talk About Types on Iris Dating (August 13, 2021) Server Not Found on Quail Bell (August 6, 2021) Barefaced in Danse Macabre’s DM 136 issue (August 4, 2021) Contact in Issue 17 of Whispering Prairie Press (summer of 2021) Unfulfilled: How a name brand wins at our expense, a book review in Real Change and was reprinted in South Sound Emerald (July 21, 2021) Warning Practice on Terror House Press (July 16, 2021) Alligator Proof on Bluepepper (July 13, 2021) Discomfort is the New Comfort Zone on Mad in America (July 13, 2021) A Divorce Decree and Headstone in Flowersong Press’s Boundless Anthology (Summer 2021) How To Stop Thinking About Someone on EQ Iris Dating (July 5th, 2021) It’s Okay To Focus On Your Body on EQ Iris Dating (June 7, 2021) This Could Be Your Street in Volume 7 of Otherwise Engaged: A Literature and Arts Journal (Summer 2021) A book review of Sigrid Nunez’s What You Are Going Through in Real Change (May 12, 2021) If Blue, Then Sing in Volume Three with Press Pause (2021) Pile Up in Issue Four of Channel (May 2021); I read this poem at the launch party on April 28th at 47:55 here We Do Not Have Everything We Need in Mad in America (May 8, 2021) This episode about me on Writer’s Rough Draft podcast (May 5, 2021) Physics and Green Room with Plume Poetry (May 1, 2021) ash from a previous Night on the Adirondack Review (Spring 2021) All Of It, Not Clear But Solid in Otoliths (April 30, 2021) Disclosing Disability When Dating on EQ Iris Dating (April 27, 2021) Dating While Disabled on EQ Iris Dating (April 15, 2021) Mental Health at the End of the World in Mad in America (April 10, 2021) Building Blocks in The Canadian Journal of Theology, Mental Health and Disability Mystery Confirmed on pages 12-13 of issue 20 Sonic Boom (April 3, 2021) Headstone (pg. 12) and Remainder (pg. 34) in Gyroscope’s Spring 2021 issue (April 1, 2021) A book review of The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton in Real Change (March 31, 2021) Contact with District Lit (March 28, 2021) A Story of Circle and Breath, an excerpt from my novel manuscript in Issue 2 of Ab Terra Flash Fiction (March 17, 2021); included in AB Terra's 2022 anthology (Sept. 2022) We Are Going Steadily Through Light That Will Be Gold with Always Crashing (March 16, 2021) Our Culture Is Abusive in Mad In America (March 7, 2021) Mainstream Mental Heath is Hazardous For Your Mental Health in Mad in America (January 28, 2021) The Professionalization of Mental Health is Ruining Friendship on Mad in America (January 2, 2021) Second Hand on page 80 of Book of Matches’ inaugural issue (January 1, 2021) 2020 You Would Not Have Heard The Music in Issue 11 of Glint (December 31, 2020) There Is No Panting Dog in Issue 16 of Whispering Prairie Press (Winter 2020) Stop Saying This: an encore! on Mad in America (December 20, 2020) Groceries, on page 106 of Deracine’s Volume VII’s issue (Winter 2020) Stop Saying This, Part 6: It Takes Two, Life’s Not Fair and More on Mad in America (November 18, 2020) Co-presenter of the CEU course Girls on the Spectrum, offered through the Washington State Society For Clinical Social Work (11/10/2020 via Zoom) Stop Saying This, Part 5: Fake it Till You Make it on Mad in America (Oct. 21, 2020) The Person Next To You Should Hear You Breathing in House of Zolo’s Journal of Speculative Fiction, Volume 2, Oct. 21, 2020) Building Blocks in CommuterLit (Sept. 28, 2020) Stop Saying This, Part 4 on Mad in America (September 9, 2020) Adulto, El Fin de dia, and En La Pradera, three Spanish poems forthcoming in Flying Ketchup Press’s anthology The Very Edgy Poetry Collection (Sept. 1, 2020) A book review of Unrigged on Real Change (Aug. 12, 2020) Stop Saying This, Part 3 on Mad in America (Aug. 6, 2020) My interview on The Habit Project podcast (Aug. 2, 2020) Hawaii’s Feminist COVID recovery plan – my first shared byline – in Yes! Magazine (July 15, 2020) Things to Stop Saying, Part 2 on Mad in America (July, 12, 2020) Book review of Every Day We Get More Illegal by Juan Felipe Herrera in Real Change (July 1, 2020) Hawaii Has a Feminist COVID Recovery Plan with Mobilisation Lab (June 30, 2020) Things to Stop Saying, Part 1 on Mad in America (June 14, 2020) COVID: A Mirror for Autism on Cognitive Sensations (June 8, 2020) A book review of A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things in Real Change (May 27, 2020) Opinion is the New Bullseye read aloud (41:55 – 48:10) on Rattle’s weekly virtual open mic series (May, 24, 2020) Loneliness is Deadlier Than COVID on Mad in America (May 13, 2020) Green Room with Lucky Jefferson (May 1, 2020) Autism Explained, episode 1068 of the Psychology in Seattle podcast (April 30, 2020) Dinner at the Candlestick Table Issue 1 of 34 Orchard (April 2020) – **this was nominated for a Pushcart Prize Mental Health Professionals are Struggling, too, Here’s How They’re Supporting Each Other on Yes! Magazine (April 20, 2020) There’s Something Spreading Faster Than COVID-19, and It’s Not Fear. It’s Toxic Positivity on Mad in America (April 20, 2020) Suicide and And We Crawl in Issue 11 of Lotus-eater Press (April 16, 2020) You Would Not Have Heard The Music on Visible Magazine (April 2, 2020) We Need More Than Hand Washing To Fight COVID19 in Rooted in Rights (March 27, 2020) Observing Makes Play – my podcast interview on The Annie Altman Show – episode 78 under Season 5 (March 21, 2020) COVID-19 Relief Needs to be Permanent in Yes! Magazine (March 20, 2020) – included in this comprehensive list of racial-equity resources published in April 2020 Coronavirus media and interpersonal messages are strongly tending toward ableism and ageism in Real Change (March 19, 2020) Please Stop Saying Depression is Like Diabetes on Mad in America (March 12, 2020) I Wasn’t Lying About The Fire with Revolute (March 2, 2020) I wish human destruction was like Cordite Review (Feb. 1, 2020) This Trans-Owned Co-Op Builds Community and Economic Stability in Yes! Magazine (January 29, 2020) My second podcast! Episode 35 of The Very Bad Therapy podcast is my experience with abuse of power (among other things) in the church. Architect on Selcouth Station (Jan. 5, 2020) Mystery Confirmed in Panoplyzine (January 3, 2020)
Megan Wildhood
Megan Wildhood is a neurodiverse Christian writer, editor, and writing coach who grew up in the intense sun and snow of Colorado. She believes that freedom of expression is necessary for a society that is not only safe but flourishing for all. As a human who has gone through more than one phoenix-level transformations, she will spend a lifetime turning those ashes into verse, story, essay, but most of all flashlight for her readers and those she works with in her coaching practices.
She thrives working with entrepreneurs across the spectrum to create authentic copy in all areas of their businesses from emails to transcripts for courses, which often heals, in a gentle, back-door way, old traumas related to being seen, heard and valued in the process. She pursues relatable instances of big ideas affecting our world in her journalistic nonfiction and gets real about disability, money, politics, and faith in her personal essays. And she helps her readers feel seen in her poems, short stories, poetry chapbook Long Division (Finishing Line Press, 2017) and upcoming full-length collection with Cornerstone can find a cache of her work on Yes! Magazine, Mad in America, The Sun and, increasingly, less captured media outlets.

The truth will set you free but not by letting you go.
Megan Wildhood

Megan's words are magic and healing...You realize you aren't alone, you were never alone, and that you fit in with everyone because no one really ever "fits in".
She has a way of bringing you to her own emotions and/or memories and helping your brain to make connections that make you more human in the good sense of the word.
Working with Megan felt like freedom...She made sure I was expressing myself clearly to the world, but I didn't have to labor over that when I wrote, she had my back there.